I am generally a very optimistic and positive person. However this self-isolating is really, really difficult. I’ve had a tough week this week trying to keep myself motivated to work from my dressing table which is starting to feel like a prison camp! I realise how much I need people to be around to keep motivated to run a business and deal with the emotions that sometimes our clients inevitably display.
As I write this it’s Thursday of what I think is now week four of lockdown (I cannot even remember the days anymore) and all I can think about is wishing it was Friday so I could justify having a bottle of wine. I am desperately trying to stick to only drinking at the weekends but it is tough I can’t deny it. I suspect we may become a nation of alcoholics before this is done!
Staying Positive During Lockdown
I keep trying to think positive thoughts about how so many more people are worse off than me – I have a lovely garden and three of my four children isolating with me, not to forget my husband who keeps me well stocked in food and coffee. Don’t get me wrong I have absolutely loved my time with them and we have definitely created some memories I will treasure forever, but it has made me think a lot about what actually makes me tick.
It’s just that there is something wonderful about working with other human beings who are all striving for the same goal as you and a number of whom you have known for many years. It’s a cliché I know, but your work colleagues do become like a family to you and I’m feeling this more than ever at this moment. It’s the little things I miss like being able to have a quick two minute chat with a colleague about their new puppy, or how frustrated their husband is making them feel. I miss my lovely receptionist bringing me a cup of coffee rather than my equally lovely husband, just to make a change of scenery.
It’s having a walk to the sandwich shop at lunchtime with a different colleague every day, helping clients deal with issues which are often way more serious than anything I face in my own life, or just sharing a joke with someone you don’t have to live with!
I need my daily fix of human interaction, it makes me who I am and for that I am grateful
Never before have I realised how much I value my work colleagues and I hope I never forget that when my alarm goes off at 6 am again (who would’ve thought I’d be looking forward to that!). Turns out my dreams of early retirement have completely changed – I now know I would be bored the majority of the time and that actually going into an office every day, whilst sometimes stressful it cannot be denied, is something I will now treasure. I need my daily fix of human interaction – it makes me who I am and for that I am grateful.
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