

What Does The Kenig Case Mean For Estate Administration Costs And Best Practice?

The recent case of Kenig v Thomson Snell & Passmore LLP as detailed in the Law Gazette further highlights the need for Solicitors to communicate with the Residuary Beneficiaries of an estate at the outset of the matter, to manage their expectations, and to assist in minimising the contact that they make with the firm. The Kenig v Thomson Snell & […]


Dangers of Unregulated Will Writing Services

When obtaining and paying for legal documents and services, it can seem to many as an unnecessary expense. Also, with the advent of online “quick wills” and standard pre-printed packs, many question why they should go to the expense of instructing a Solicitor. Many online Will services offer the convenience of home visits and draw people […]


What is a Secret Trust?

Often thought to no longer be relevant in modern law, the archaic concept of secret trusts still exist in Wills today. This little known but fascinating topic does appear from time to time. The law concerning secret trusts is complex, but in the most simple terms, a secret trust is created when a person (known […]

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