

What clients say about Mediation

It’s the last day of Family Mediation Week (20th – 24th January 2020), a week long campaign where we encourage conversations about mediation and raise awareness of mediation and its benefits for separating families. Today we look at what clients say about mediation and how it’s helped them. What do Clients say about the benefits of […]


What is Child Inclusive Mediation

It’s day 3 of Family Mediation Week (20th – 24th January 2020), a week long campaign where we encourage conversations about mediation and raise awareness of mediation and its benefits for separating families. Today we look into the benefits of Child Inclusive Mediation. How does Child Inclusive Mediation help in including children in the process? Child Inclusive Mediation […]


What is MIAM?

Today is day 2 of Family Mediation Week (20th – 24th January 2020), a week long campaign where we encourage conversations about mediation and raise awareness of mediation and its benefits for separating families. Today we provide a little insight into what a MIAM is and how it can be beneficial when starting your mediation journey. What is the […]


What is Family Mediation?

This week is Family Mediation Week (20th – 24th January 2020) where we encourage conversations about mediation and raise awareness of mediation and its benefits for separating families. In conjunction with the Family Mediators Association, throughout the week we will be posting these micro-blogs to provide bitesize answers to some key questions about mediation. What is mediation, how does […]


When You Wish To Contest A Will

In December, after five years of hard work and study I was successfully rewarded with the recognition of becoming a fully qualified member of the Association of Contentious Trusts and Probate Specialists. Being welcomed into a group of such highly skilled Lawyers is a real achievement, particularly as it recognises the work which I, and […]


Divorce Day

Once again we have reached the first Monday in January which the media has penned as “Divorce Day” – allegedly the day when more people divorce than any other day of the year. I confess to being sceptical about this but certainly Christmas can often put added pressure on families who are already at breaking […]


The Family Mediation Process Explained

Divorce or separation can be an emotionally and financially challenging time for all involved. However, mediation offers a way to resolve disputes constructively and amicably, helping you move on with your life in a way traditional methods may not. Whether the issues involve finances or children, mediation provides a way to develop long-term solutions in […]

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