Category: Family and Divorce


New Divorce Legislation Pending!

Yesterday, I was ecstatic to learn that the new No Fault Divorce Bill has finished its journey through Parliament and even though the new legislation will not be accessible until autumn 2021, this marks a significant change in the law. “Presently … any person seeking a divorce must satisfy the Court that their marriage has broken down irretrievably” […]


I am suffering domestic violence. What help is available?

On the 23rd March 2020, the government placed the UK into ‘lockdown’ and consequently we are only able to leave our homes if we have a ‘reasonable excuse’. Since its implementation, the lockdown has caused individuals to feel anxious, vulnerable, and stressed about the current climate and the health and wellbeing of loved ones. “A sharp increase in the amount […]


Co-Parenting 101

We see many instances where separation and divorce involves children, and with such cases there needs to be a discussion about co-parenting. When you separate or divorce it’s easy to let your animosity towards each other become all too apparent to your children and unfortunately it can sometimes be the case that the children are used as pawns […]


What Clients Say About Mediation

It’s the last day of Family Mediation Week (20th – 24th January 2020), a week long campaign where we encourage conversations about mediation and raise awareness of mediation and its benefits for separating families. Today we look at what clients say about mediation and how it’s helped them. What do Clients say about the benefits of […]


What is Child Inclusive Mediation

It’s day 3 of Family Mediation Week (20th – 24th January 2020), a week long campaign where we encourage conversations about mediation and raise awareness of mediation and its benefits for separating families. Today we look into the benefits of Child Inclusive Mediation. How does Child Inclusive Mediation help in including Children in the process? Child Inclusive Mediation […]

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