Wills & Probate Solicitors in Garforth, Leeds

Wills & Probate Solicitors in Garforth, Leeds

Lifetime planning is something people often prefer not to think about, but it can create a lot of problems for you and those you care about if you don’t make a will or get the right help to deal with the probate process when a loved one passes away.

At Thornton Jones, we know how emotionally challenging and intimidating many people find it to deal with these issues, so we are here to offer the sensitive, practical guidance you need. We can help you make or update your will, put in place measures such as lasting powers of attorney and support you through probate smoothly and with minimal stress.

Our experienced team know exactly what you need to do to deal with these important issues and can ensure every detail is taken care of and that no potential problems are overlooked. That way, you can have complete confidence that everything has been done properly for you and your loved ones.

Unfortunately, even with the best planning, disputes over a will or other inheritance issues can arise, so we also offer strong expertise in inheritance dispute resolution. We specialise in taking a non-confrontational approach to these types of conflicts, so will always aim to sort out even the most complex inheritance disputes in a way that works for you without the need for court proceedings.

To get in touch with our friendly and experienced wills and probate lawyers in Garforth, Leeds, please get in touch.

How our wills and probate solicitors in Garforth can help you

Making a will

Our Will solicitors in Garforth can advise you on what to include in your will, any Inheritance Tax implications of the will you wish to make and draft your will for you. We can ensure you will is correctly prepared, signed and witnessed so you can be confident that your wishes have been clearly expressed and there is no room for any legal challenges.

We offer to  store your original will for you and provide you with a copy of your will , so that when your will is needed it can be quickly and easily accessed by your named executors.

Read more about making a will.

Updating your will

It is a good idea to regularly review your will to make sure it still accurately reflects your wishes and that you can take account of any issues, such as a named executor no longer being able to carry out the role.

In particular, it is a good idea to update your will if you have had a major change of circumstances, such as buying a property, getting married or divorced, or having children.

Our Garforth will solicitors can help you quickly amend and update your will, either by adding codicils to the existing will for minor issues or drafting a new will where more major updates are required.


Setting up a trust is often the best way to ensure you can provide the ongoing support your loved ones will need when you are no longer around. This can be particularly useful where you have disabled or vulnerable beneficiaries or wish to protect wealth for future generations.

Our trusts solicitors in Garforth can advise you on which type of trust is best suited to your circumstances and goals, we can then guide you through the whole process of setting up and managing a trust, including acting as professional trustees where required.

Read more about setting up a trust.

Lasting Powers of Attorney

It is important to consider what would happen if you ever lose the capacity to make decisions about your finances, medical treatment or any other aspect of your affairs, whether due to dementia or any other illness or injury.

Making a lasting power of attorney (LPA) means authorising a trusted person or persons to act as your attorney, allowing them to assist you with making important decisions if you are ever unable to do so yourself in future.

Our lifetime planning team can help you create an LPA as well as advising attorneys on carrying out their duties, giving you complete peace of mind that your needs will be taken care of, no matter what the future brings.

Read more about lasting powers of attorney.

Probate advice

If you have been named as the executor of a will, our probate solicitors in Garforth can guide you through every step of the probate process. Whether you need advice on a single issue, such as applying for grant of probate, or want us to take the whole process off your hands, we can provide level of support you need at this difficult time.

Read more about probate.


If a loved one has died without leaving a will, this is referred to as ‘dying intestate’. There are strict rules for who can inherit under such circumstances, which can cause issues where loved ones of the deceased believe this is unfair or not what the deceased would have wanted.

Our team can guide you through the process of getting control of the estate of someone who has died intestate, as well as helping you to administrate the estate under the rules of intestacy. We can also advise you on your legal rights if you are unhappy with how the estate will be divided, including making a claim under the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975.

Appointing Thornton Jones as professional executors

We frequently act as professional executors for people making their will, meaning we will handle the probate process when the time comes. It is common to name a firm of solicitors as an executor alongside a family member or trusted friend. This makes sure your loved one has all of the legal advice and support they need to lift some of the administrative burden of dealing with your estate after you are gone.

Inheritance disputes

If not handled correctly, inheritance disputes can quickly become very acrimonious, as well as taking up a lot of time and money. Our solicitors offer extensive experience in resolving disputes over wills and probate, so can help you find a solution that meets your needs while keeping conflict to a minimum.

In most cases, we can help you find a solution without the need for court proceedings, using our expertise in non-confrontational dispute resolution. This allows you to stay in control of deciding how the dispute is resolved, as well as typically meaning disputes can be sorted out much faster, at lower cost and without causing further damage to family relationships.

Why choose Thornton Jones’ wills and probate lawyers in Garforth?

With decades of experience dealing with all aspects of wills, probate and general lifetime planning, we have dealt with all of the common issues involved with inheritance, as well as many of the more unusual and complex issues that can arise. This means we can provide the clear, confident support you need for both straightforward and more challenging matters.

We are recognised for our skills and experience in the area of wills, probate and inheritance by the Law Society with accreditation from the Wills and Inheritance Quality Scheme.

Our team is led by Elizabeth Fyfe, who is a qualified Trusts and Estates Practitioner with STEP (the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners).

Thornton Jones is independently regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA).

Contact our wills and probate solicitors in Garforth, Leeds

Need clear, practical advice and guidance for making or updating your will, dealing with probate, or resolving an inheritance dispute in Garforth, Leeds or the surrounding area? Please contact our Garforth office now.

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