Contentious Probate Solicitors in South Yorkshire

Contentious Probate Solicitors in South Yorkshire

When dealing with the death of a loved one, it is easy for emotions to run high causing disagreements to escalate into bitter disputes and lengthy, costly legal battles.

By using our expert contentious probate solicitors at Thornton Jones, South Yorkshire, you will be giving yourself a level of separation, and the space needed, to help you stay as neutral as possible during an emotionally charged time where families can often fall out over the Will and the distribution of assets.

If you are an executor or a beneficiary caught in a dispute over a deceased person’s estate, our expert team of contentious probate solicitors can help you resolve your disagreements and reach amicable, agreeable terms quickly and cost-effectively.

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Contentious probate can often arise when:

Challenging The Validity of a Will

It is upsetting enough when dealing with the loss of a loved one, but when a dispute occurs over a Will, it can make the grieving process even tougher to deal with.

If you are thinking of challenging the validity of a Will, you need to have good reasons for doing so. Grounds for challenging the validity of a Will could include, for example, a belief that the person who was making the Will:

• Did not know the Will was written
• Did not have mental capacity at the time they made the Will
• Was placed under pressure
• Did not know the contents of the Will
• Did not have the Will witnessed properly

Whether you feel you have been unfairly treated, wrongfully left out of a Will, or are an executor for an estate where someone else is contesting a Will, our specialist Will dispute and contentious probate solicitors in South Yorkshire can help you with either challenging or defending a Will.

Claims under the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975

When dealing with the death of a loved one, it can often come as a surprise that they have not made a Will, or that any Will which has been made may be out of date. Sometimes the Will does not provide for those who expect to have been provided for, or the provision made is not sufficient to meet the needs of those who relied on the deceased.

Non-married couples often do not realise that unless they make a Will, they may not be entitled to anything if their partner passes away.

If you feel that a Will does not make reasonable financial provision for you, or if you are an executor facing a claim under these rules, our specialist contentious probate solicitors in South Yorkshire are here to offer expert advice and assistance in bringing or defending a claim against an estate.  

Executor Disputes

Disputes between executors and administrators can occur when there is a disagreement over issues such as the value of assets, the suitability of an executor, how an executor has behaved – including any unreasonable behaviour or excessive costs and charges.

Our specialist contentious probate solicitors in South Yorkshire are experienced in all aspects of executor disputes and can help you achieve a swift and satisfactory resolution.

Beneficiary Disputes

If you are a beneficiary of a Will or the Intestacy Rules, and are caught in a feud with other beneficiaries or the executors/administrators, we can help you resolve matters efficiently and effectively.

You may also be a beneficiary of a Will or the Intestacy Rules wanting to find out information about your rightful inheritance, for example, the production of estate accounts and supporting documentation to evidence your entitlement, or you may simply wish to demand the payment of your inheritance.

Our expert contentious probate lawyers have significant experience and a proven track record of success in helping beneficiaries overcome a dispute to reach sensible solutions and agreeable terms.

Claims by or Against an Estate

You may be an executor wishing to bring a claim that is in the best interest of an estate and its beneficiaries. Alternatively, you may be an executor wishing to defend a claim made against you and the estate you represent. Either way, we can help you to negotiate and achieve sensible solutions that resolve matters, quickly.

Our specialist team of contentious probate solicitors have wide experience in dealing with all kinds of claims and threats that can be made against an estate which enables us to help you reach swift and positive solutions, enabling you to move forward and complete your duties.

By instructing our specialist team of probate solicitors, you will not only have the confidence and peace of mind that everything is being handled correctly, you will also speed up the process to reach a quick, cost effective outcome that benefits all parties involved.

Call me today picture showing Stacie Hurt and our phone number 01924 290 029

If you wish to challenge a Will then get in touch with our contentious probate solicitors in South Yorkshire

Speak to our contentious probate law solicitors in South Yorkshire today by calling 01924 290 029 or ask a question using our online enquiry form.

Profile picture of Stacie Hurt

Blog: I’ve been excluded from a Will. Can I make a claim?

In most cases, the wishes of the deceased would remain unchallenged as, in most cases, the person who made the Will would have received adequate and appropriate legal advice at the time of making their Will. However, let’s say that a former spouse, child, or a cohabitee of a person who dies in England or Wales is excluded from their Will, or left just a nominal amount, then there are scenarios whereby they can make a request for a Court to order an amount be paid to them even if the deceased person has left a valid Will. The same applies to the Intestacy Rules of England and Wales.

A blog by Stacie Hurt, Head of Dispute Resolution

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